Инструмент имеет полифонию 64 голоса, 768 пэтчей (из них 300 пресетных), четыре осциллятора (каждый может производить 13 видов форм волны с защитой от наложения спектров и шум), четыре слота для загрузки пользовательских форм волны, два мультирежимных резонансных фильтра, три LFO с 13 формами волны (возможны загрузка новых форм и синхронизация с темпом), генератор огибающей для высоты тона, два генератора огибающей для усилителя и два для фильтров, четыре выхода. Возможны синхронизация осцилляторов, частотная и кольцевая модуляция, модуляция ширины импульса. Есть режим Multi, преобразующий один или два осциллятора в восемь. Прилагается библиотека из 50 волновых таблиц. Поддерживаются монофоническое и полифоническое портаменто, режим легато. Функция Voice Modulator позволяет управлять звуком при помощи аудиосигнала. Синтезатор имеет развитые возможности модуляции.
Эффекты: овердрайв, имитатор усилителей и кабинетов, формантный фильтр, модуляционные (хорус, фленджер, фейзер), автопанер, дилеи (возможна синхронизация с темпом), двухполосный полупараметрический эквалайзер, расширитель стереобазы, лимитер.
Поддерживается автоматизация. Функция MIDI Learn предназначена для назначения MIDI-сообщений на органы управления. Возможно одновременное использование нескольких MIDI-портов, передача MIDI-данных VST-программе.
Oscillators 4 Oscillators, 13 Alias Free Waveforms each plus a Noise Generator per oscillator:
Saw Vintage Saw Square Vintage Square Pulse 50% Pulse 25% Pulse 12% Pulse 6% Harmonics 5/2 Harmonics 3 Harmonics 4 Harmonics 5 Pure Sine
4 User Loadable waveform slots, in two modes: Simple cycle and Full range. Includes a Wavetable Library with more than 50 wavetables including synthetic and vintage waveforms. MULTI mode allows turning Oscillators 1 and/or Oscillator 3 in eight individual oscillators. 64 voice polyphonic (CPU dependant) with polyphony limiter and Intelligent Voice Allocation (no clicks when maximum polyphony is exceeded).
Full Legato mode for monophonic operation. Monophonic/Polyphonic portamento with Fixed or Variable per-key Time. Individual adjustments of Level, Waveform, Mode, Phase, Fine, Octave, Coarse tune, LFO sensitivity and Pitch Eg Intensity for each oscillator. Key Sync, Inverted, Free Running or Fixed Frequency mode selection for each oscillator. Dedicated Pitch Envelope Generator, with Start Level, Attack Time, Attack Level, Decay Time, Release Level, Release Time and fully bandlimited operation. Random Pitch control, with individual generators per oscillator. 4 Operation modes: Add (normal), Ring Modulation, Hard Sync and Frequency Modulation. Every group of two oscillators can select any operation mode. Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) with adjustable depth for every oscillator and phase shift control by a dedicated LFO. The width can also be changed manually (real-time) or with a Envelope Generator. 5 Pitch Bend modes: Normal, Asymmetric, High Note, Low Note, Hold Notes. Pitch Bend range adjustable up to +12 semitones.
2 Superb resonant multimode filters (Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, Notch) with individual adjustments for Type, Cutoff, Resonance, Envelope amount, Velocity, Keyboard Scaling, Aftertouch, Breath controller, Modulation. Link mode for the two filters. Low Frequency Oscillators
Dedicated LFO's, for Pitch, Filter and Amplifier, 13 waveforms each: Sine, Square, Pulse 50%, Pulse 25%, Pulse 12%, Saw Up, Saw Down, Triangle, Step 1, Step 2, Random 1, Random 2, Sample and Hold. Variable offset of all waveforms, Delay, Fade, Speed Depth, Aftertouch, Breath and Modulation controls. All LFO's are individually syncable to Host Tempo.
Loadable LFO waveforms.
Envelope Generators 2 Amplifier dedicated Envelope Generators with Attack Time, Hold Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Release Time, Keyboard tracking and Velocity control. 2 Filter dedicated Envelope Generators with Attack Time, Hold Time, Decay Time, Sustain Level, Release Time, Keyboard tracking and Velocity control. Positive or Negative envelope modes. Linear/Exponential selectable envelopes.
Drive stage with tone control. Resonance booster. Amp and Cabinet simulator, with 19 different recreations of vintage cabinets and amps plus synthetic environments. Formant Filter makes Pentagon I "speak" vowels. Once this effect is on, the Drive knob will select the vowel (AEIOU). Map this knob to any MIDI controller, aftertouch, breath, etc to play the vowel via MIDI. Formant Filter can be also modulated with Filter LFO. Filter Limiter to use high Resonance settings without clipping (one limiter per voice).
6 Mode Modulation section. Broad range of Chorus, Flanger and Phaser effects available, including mono/stereo and 4-voice chorus and phaser. Delay, Speed, modulation Depth, Feedback, 2- band Modulation Equalizer with selectable modes and Level controls. Auto-pan controlled by LFO.
Stereo, Ping and LRC delay effects, which syncs to host tempo. Individual time settings for L and R channels, feedback and level controls.
Two band quasi-parametric equalizer, with adjustable frequency and ±12dB range.
Main Effects
Stereo spread. Master limiter. Master volume control for the whole instrument (all presets) 4 outputs: Main stereo pair (with effects), 2 auxiliary mono outputs (dry), or stereo outputs versions. A Voice Modulator allows controlling any Pentagon I sound with your voice or any external audio source. Just turn it on, use Pentagon I as effect and send MIDI to it (don't worry, you don't need to sing in tune 2x oversampling option.
Programs / Banks
Bank and Program selector, Program up/down, Program Name display/editor. 6 banks (A-F), 768 program capacity, 300 top- quality factory presets. Saves and Loads standard .fxb and .fxp files, plus a special file format to reload USER wavetables when reloading songs/programs (.p1). Compressed bank file format, to save space in song/bank files. All settings saved in the song. Copy/Paste/Initialize program utilities. Auto-load of Default file, utility to save Default File.
Graphic User Interface
Full Parameter Readout on mouseover, in real units (Hz, dB, %, cents, etc). Full support for user skins. Supports dual-size skins, Default Skin can be used at 80%. Skin Brightness, Contrast and Color Balance are adjustable. Sound Preview ribbon at bottom, MIDI transmit to host (VST).
MIDI Learn
Extensive MIDI implementation: Velocity, Pitch Bend, Aftertouch, Modulation, Breath, Sustain Sw. All controls are MIDI Learnable, with adjustable min/max/reverse status via shift-click. Multiple MIDI CC#'s are possible to be assigned to same control, multiple controls can be attached to one MIDI CC#. 10 individual MIDI configurations, with Clear/Copy/Paste configurations capabilities. So, it is now possible to have one configuration for woodwind controller, another for Guitar controller, some others for different keyboards, etc.
ASIO microHost
Ultra light ASIO host for live performance and programming (90k) Supports 44.1, 48, 88.2 and 96 kHz samplerates. Virtual keyboard with Pitch Bend/Modulation/Breath/Aftertouch/Program Change/Transpose controls using PC keyboard. Simultaneous use of multiple MIDI ports. Saves 16-bit and 32-bit WAV files direct-to- disk.
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